Artist In Education Residency

For the past 3 years, Studio 117 has offered residencies in conjunction with Arts In Education. These classes are typically setup to be weekly classes for 10-24 weeks, and are open to any public or private, education or enrichment center in Pennsylvania. Art's In Education may also be able to partially fund the residency. These residencies are perfect for pushing initiatives such as diversity, ethics, teamwork, professionalism, problem solving, or even helping students in their classes by linking core curriculum with Audio Production/Music Education.

Many students prefer to learn and actually perform better in classes involving music and arts. Traditionally, left brained thinkers are more organized and systematic while right brained thinkers are more creative and intuitive. Many current school programs exercise and test their students' abilities to solve problems in an organized and systematic manor but completely ignore the creative processes that certain individuals may use to understand these problems. This is why many people feel that they don't use certain methods that they learned in school to solve problems in real-life scenarios. We feel that an organized method is essential to solving many problems, but many people will need to get creative and intuitive in their workplace or in everyday life to succeed. For many, a link between creativity and traditional core curriculum classes are a must.

Currently, our residencies are limited to evenings and weekends. If your school or organization is interested in developing a residency with Studio 117, please use the email button at the bottom of the page to schedule a meeting.

$250/class per organization (10 Class Min. 15 student max) Scholarships may be available)