Demo Recordings

A demo is a great way to share your ideas in their begining stages. During the process of creating a demo, an artist should feel completely comfortable experimenting with different ideas and techniques.

For some, the demo recording is synonymous with the creative process in general. Some vocalists start by recording what is called a top line -- simply mumbling a melody that includes rhythm for words to be added to later. Once the melody and rhythm are there, its all about writing powerful lyrics and syncing the syllables to the rhythm. Once the lyrics are written, you can go back and record the finished top line.

Once your top line is in place, experiment with adding layers and ad-libs to help fill the gaps and immerse the listener

Check out this (low quality) early version of Rihanna’s hit song “Diamonds” -- which was written by Sia.

This mumbling developed into a full fledged demo that was later sold to Rihanna and re-recorded essentially word for word!


Recording a demo is a huge part of the pre-production process. By creating a demo, you can cut down on the studio time spent trying to figure out what to record next -- you will have already recorded the whole song! 

To get started recording demos, all you need is an app such as Garageband on your phone, tablet, or computer and a microphone of any kind (it could even be a pair of wired headphones with the mic in it)! All you must do is find or create an instrumental, chord progression, or rhythm to work from!

A good way to practice creating demos on your own is through the app “Take Creative Vocal Recorder” (not sponsored). With this app you can build out track layers and practice the utilization of autotune as a creative effect. 

If you are looking to learn more about how to get started recording at home, check out our classes on home studio setup and recording!

Lee King